See the creeper?
See the creeper? In honor of National Dog Day Yesterday, my girls are the stars. Say hello to Shiner Blonde (named after the delicious Texas beer) and Lizzy Lou (little creeper).

Okay, you know a real creeper probably wouldn’t say they are a creeper… but I’m not a real creeper (I hope) in the Urban Dictionary sense of the word. Well, there are a bunch of definitions there. I’m hoping I’m not one of those, though, if I am, I hope I’m one of the friggin’ hilarious ones. Anyway, what I mean is that in diet terms, I think I’m a creeper. I’m creeping ever freaking slowly toward my goal. I mean S•L•O•W•L•Y. Holy magical mushrooms! MotherFather, Sonofabiscuit! Seriously?

This weeks Creeps:

-1.6 lbs (27.6 lbs total, which wouldn’t be so bad if I hadn’t been rounding when people ask how much I’ve lost.) I’ve been saying “around 27” for a couple of weeks now. Sheesh.

-.5 chestious maximus

-.5 quad

Everything else was pretty much the same.