How long have I been writing this weight loss blog? Really, it’s been years… too many @&*+)’n years. I’ve been up (like now… you know, scale wise) and I’ve been down. My emotions are the same. How many times have I asked the questions “Why can’t I do this?” or said, “I think I’ll try…” or “again”. This is life though. There are so many people that  are just like me; straight up, this shit is hard. It downright sucks. My life is so full and I am so happy! I’ve got so much going on and life is so good… except… except that I’m walking around wearing too many layers, in someone else’s body, in a state of internal disrepair because I’m failing at this one thing. I want to stay healthy. I want to avoid diseases like Diabetes and Alzheimers, I want to feel good in my skin. I want to be me, the athlete, the “pull a plow” strong person that Continue reading “Again! This Time and Happy Hats… Really.”